Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Community says GOOD LUCK!

Here it Pasadenas, the night before the American Fork High School Marching Band and Color Guard leaves for the 2012 Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade.  It has been more practices than I want to count to get to this point.  We are excited.  The band had a GOOD LUCK and THANKS for your support event tonight.  It was an opportunity for the Mayor of American Fork to tell us how Proud he and the whole community is of the band.

He presented to Mr Miller a box full of letters written by people in the community wishing us well.

We also heard from a member of the Alpine School District who brought GOOD LUCK wishes to us from the Governor of the state

The band played their Parade tunes and their Field Show music

We heard from Mr Miller as he reminded the students of the sacrifices made by many people to make this ONCE IN A LIFETIME opportunity happen for all of them.  He gave special THANKS to SAVAGE.  They provide us with our Semi truck and trailer that gets us to all of our competitions.  They also provide the driver.  They have been a GREAT support to the band for many, many years.  They are being honored by us with a patch being worn by each of the band students.

Thank you, Mrs Savage for all that you, your late husband, and your company have done for our band.

On the other shoulder of the band uniforms is a Rose Parade patch

And last of all - He told the kids to go home and pack.  So that is what we are doing!

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